Friday 13 April 2007


We went to the Eureka science museum yesterday. Theo enjoyed the transport section most, closely followed my the My Body section. He wasn't very interested in the under 5's sensory section though. To be honest he was a bit of a misery most of the day, I'm hoping it's because he's still coughing and a bit sniffly rather than the fact that he's turning into a miserable toddler
This is a photo of one of his more cheerful moments playing with spark plugs. You had to plug them in in the correct order to make the wheels on the car turn.

The one thing Theo did enjoy in Eureka's sensory section was the dressing up. This is a cobbled together bee outfit. There was a black and yellow stripey piece but no wings that we could see and Theo insisted on having wings. Instead he wore what looked like a bat jacket with wings and then the black and yellow on top. He seemed happy enough with it anyway, running around the place flying and buzzing

Outside the museum there were picnic benches for eating your lunch and lots of toys and activities for children to do. Theo enjoyed playing on some musical pipes that you bash with rubber bats. I was watching closely and about to jump up and defend my sons right to play! There was a little girl standing at the side of him with her mum and everytime Theo waved one of the bats anywhere near her, the mum tried to take it off him! Cheek!! I was very pleased when he offered one of the bats to the little girls though, without the nasty mum taking it off him. Good sharing.
The other toy he enjoyed playing with was this giant connect 4 game. Obviously he was just posting the rings into the game rather than actually playing but he enjoyed it. So much so that I had to tell himi off for fighting when another little boy wanted to join in (not the boy in the picture).

I walked the 30 feet from our table to the connect 4 game, told him off for fighting and made him apologise to the other boy and then walked back to our table. By the time I got back to our table and turned around he had gone!!! My sister, nephew (the blonde boy in the photo) and I spent 10 minutes looking all over for him before I went inside and reported him missing to the ladies at the tills. They were very good and within minutes there was staff looking for him inside and out. I went back outide to see if Lisa or Liam had found him yet and as I was walking back I saw him running over from the far end of the play area, phew. I have NEVER been so nervous. When I asked him where he had been he said he'd been playing in the tower, which is at the very end of the outdoor area, just next to the exit to the carpark!! He was perfectly happy, mummy however, was a nervous wreck! Not my idea of fun, I think he's going to spend the next 16 years on those safety reign thingies.

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