Sunday, 10 October 2010

Is that normal behaviour?

The week before last I asked my husband if he had any plans to do any baking within the next few weeks. Not as random a question as you might think. It's my birthday this week and he has been known to gather the children and bake me a cake. Infact the year before last they made me a Nigella chocolate fudge cake which was to die for. I had to give some away though, there's only 4 of us here and I'm supposed to be dieting (have been for years, hmmm) so DH took some to work and DS1 took some to school to help.

This year a friend of mine who makes wedding / birthday cakes to order has started on the mini Christmas cakes that she will be selling later on in the year. In a fit of inspiration I asked if she'd be able to be me a large one (approx 3" sq) early. Happily she agreed and as she has over 100 cakes to make I wasn't expecting anything different to the standard (Orangey gold with a Christmas tree on it). I told DH I had ordered myself a birthday cake and his reply?

"Is that normal behaviour?"

What? You mean ordering your own birthday cake is not normal? Darn it, lol

Here it is, it's gorgeous isn't it? She added that lovely flower and a candle just for me. It's just the right size for all four of us to enjoy a slice each without there being too much to straying from the my diet, lol

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Day Zero

I was reading a blog and saw that the author, Sharon, is doing a goals orientated project where she aims to complete 101 goals in 1001 days and blogging about her progress.

I liked the sound of this so headed off to Google it. I found Day Zero. I'm not sure if this is where the idea started but it certainly looks that way. You can browse random lists for ideas (or just to be nosey) and, should you wish, you can sign up and start making your own list.

I thought, seeing as it's my birthday soon, that would be a good day to start my list. I've signed up to and spent about 2 weeks putting together my list. I bought myself a shiney new Domino filofax in slate to use as a journal and I've stripped all the contents apart from the lined paper and dividers, written up my list and I'm all set to go.

I toyed with the idea of getting an A5, more room for everything but in the end decided to stick with the personal. I like the fact that with the personal I can have a Day Zero section in my everyday Filofax and just transfer pages between the two as and when necessary.  I'm hoping as I get going into my 1001 days that it's going to start looking all fat and well used ;-)

So I'm planning on putting the list in my sidebar, and hopefully come back and update it as and when I complete the tasks. Quite a few people have as one of their 101 goals to 'Inspire someone else to start a Day Zero list'. It is not one of my goals but if it does interest you and you decide to join in, please do let me know