Monday, 25 December 2006

To Infinity And Beyond..

This is one of Theo's favourite Christmas presents. He's a very big Toy Story fan and already has a Buzz but Santa Claus put a few smaller versions of the other characters in his stocking so now we have a Daddy Buzz (the big one), a Mummy Buzz (above) and a Baby Buzz (that was in his stocking) together with Woody, Rex, Bo peep and Mr Potato Head. Oh joy, the hours of fun we're going to have playing with these

Thursday, 30 November 2006

Manifesto: Noun. A declaration of one’s intentions.

Starting December first, I will keep a Christmas journal. In it, I will write something every day to reflect on the holidays of my past, enjoy the holidays of the present and dream about the holidays of my future. To some, this will be a stack of papers and trivial scribbles, but not to me. I am taking back my Christmas, I am letting it be something I relish and, most importantly, I am giving at least fifteen minutes every day to myself no matter how crazy this season becomes. I hope you will share, encourage and understand as I make something with my own hands, my own words and my own memories.

I may post some or all of my entries here. Other artists are doing this with me and you can see some of their work here

If you are inspired to join in you can do so here

Above all: enjoy the season. I will.


Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Shimelle's Christmas Class

Just getting ready to post all the lovely pages from my Christmas Journal that I'm going to create.

Spent a fortune on papers and card to make it with so really had better get my finger out and do this.

Watch this space, first prompt is December 1st

Wednesday, 18 October 2006

History Matters

Someone posted on a forum that I use about a national project to record the everyday lives of ordinary people on one day in history and then to make this available to all to view.

The idea is that as many people as possible go to the website and ...

Make history with us on 17 October [2006] by taking part in the biggest blog in history.
'One Day in History' is a one off opportunity for you to join in a mass blog for the national record. We want as many people as possible to record a 'blog' diary which will be stored by the British Library as a historical record of our national life.

This is my entry. I'm not actually sure if it made it onto the site as when I submitted it I was just returned to the entry page with red prompts all over telling me to make sure I'd filled out all the boxes.

It’s Tuesday today so I’ve been to pick up my mum today, taken her to get her money then taken her to get her weekly shopping.

It’s the first time I’ve had to take her shopping as well as to get her money, and with her in the supermarket wheelchair and me pushing the trolley with 2 yr old son in the hot seat it was very frustrating. Mum wheeling round and stopping where she likes, not noticing (or is that just not bothering) that she’s blocking the aisle and getting in people’s way and darling son playing up and emptying my handbag into the trolley. Mum announcing ‘can you just get me one of those’ then whizzing off leaving me to figure out ‘one of what?’ whilst defending my handbag from the child and mopping up spilled juice with a non existent tissue (why did I leave the tissues in the car? Grr).

Needless to say, it was not fun. Add to that the fact that I’m 25 weeks pregnant, hormonal and have a surprisingly short fuse at the moment and it was all just a barrel of laughs. Roll on next weeks shopping trip. Yay

I had planned on coming home for lunch but we ended up staying at mums and having fish & chips, very nutritional.

We finally got home about 2.30pm. Darling son had fallen asleep in the car on the 30 minute journey home so I carried him upstairs to the living room and laid him on the sofa where he slept until I woke him at 5pm!! That’s very unusual for him, he doesn’t usually do afternoon naps these days (especially since I need them now).

I spent the afternoon catching up on online message boards I frequent, reading a magazine, doing some online window shopping (that’s browsing around online shops in general, not shopping for windows) and generally pottering about until it was time to wake the child. It was a very pleasant couple of hours.

Now tonight is my night for meeting my friend and supposedly practicing our Level 2 British Sign Language, but I have to admit, we usually end up talking all night instead (can’t do that in sign language fast enough yet LOL). So husband phones to say he’s stuck in traffic in Pudsey so he’ll be late home. As it turns out, he’s still home in time for me to go out to play. This week we’re off to the pub as my friend is leaving her husband at home to decorate. We had a good night in the pub, a quick 15 minutes going over what was learned in class on Monday then the rest of the evening gassing about allsorts.

Darling husband let me take his shiny new (2 weeks old) Jaguar X Type tonight so I could show it off but I pranged it!! Eek!! I was stone cold sober, honest (pregnant lady here remember). I misjudged the corner as I pulled out of the carpark and bashed the passenger side door on the wall. Oops. Good job it’s a company car. I’m still not sure he’s going to let me forget that one in a while. He still ribs me about the time I reversed his car into a (dark blue) bollard in an unlit area of a Tesco’s carpark, at night, when it was raining, and that was over four years ago.

Wednesday, 11 October 2006

List Yourself

I bought a book a while ago to help me put together some interview questions for a family tree project I've been working on, on and off, for the past few years. The book is called 'More List Yourself' by Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick

I thought, seeing as I haven't gotten around to doing interviews yet I might give some of this lists a go on here. So watch this space. Please feel free to comment or even post your own lists.

Wednesday, 4 October 2006


I'm feeling the need to write stuff here.

So, if you want to read my ramblings about life, the universe and everything read on, if not, you're on the wrong place.

I'm warning you now, it probably won't make sense, and if it does make sense you probably won't be interested anyway but who cares, this is my blog.

Monday, 2 October 2006

Smiley Faces

Theo got a smiley face at nursery today for asking for red paint so he could mix it with the blue and make purple.

Tuesday, 19 September 2006


Just a quick note to say that it was fairly obvious from the scan that bump is a boy (!!!)

Scan lady said much the same.

Monday, 18 September 2006

Me Time

First day back at college today. I know it’s only 3hrs once a week but it’s still college, technically. And it's my bit of 'me' time.

I’m doing British Sign Language Level 2 and I was SOO nervous. We started the class by taking it in turns to sit at the front and tell the rest of the room about ourselves (in Sign Language of course) and I was so nervous my hands wouldn’t do as they were told

By the end of the afternoon everyone was a bit more relaxed and a lot easier to understand. I think that was the whole point of today. Onto the tough stuff next week .


Saturday, 16 September 2006

New Arrival

For those of you who do not already know, we're expecting baby No 2 on 24 January.

Don't know what flavour we're getting yet, have another scan on Tuesday so hopefully we'll find out then.

Will keep you posted (but don't worry, you won't be inundated with baby talk, will keep it brief )

Tuesday, 5 September 2006

I'm NOT Tired!

Theo was determinted he was not tired and was not going to bed. After putting him back in bed about 5 times everything went quiet upstairs so I assumed he'd given in, stayed in bed and gone to sleep.

Well I was half right!!